Marketing managers are in charge of creating, implementing and evaluating marketing strategies for the firm. They are responsible for developing and implementing communications and marketing programs that enable the organization to grow its market share, create and keep loyal customers, and attract new ones. As a result, marketing managers need to be effective communicators, effective planners and have a clear grasp of organizational strategy. In addition, they must be able to work collaboratively with other members of the organization to create effective marketing programs that meet the goals outlined by the organization’s marketing strategy.Marketing managers must be able to think strategically and have a clear grasp of organizational strategy. They should also be able to communicate effectively with both internal and external audiences. They should also be able to create marketing plans that are well-timed and appropriate for their target audiences.

Build a strong foundation

Marketing managers must first and foremost understand what marketing actually is. Marketing is the process of creating, communicating and delivering value for customers based on their needs and wants. Successful marketing programs have measurable outcomes. They are specific actions that a firm takes to meet specific needs of target audiences.Marketing managers should also have a clear understanding of their company’s core offerings and target market. This will enable them to create a marketing plan that focuses on the customers and markets that are most likely to bring value to the firm and generate revenue.Marketing managers should also understand the basics of the marketing mix. This includes the four Ps: product, price, place and promotion. Marketing managers can then use these components to create a marketing plan tailored to their organization’s needs.

Understand the customer journey

The marketing manager should have a clear understanding of the customer journey. This is the process by which customers discover and purchase products or services. It includes the touch points that customers go through before they ultimately make a purchase.Marketing managers should have a clear understanding of the journey that customers make when they are considering purchasing from your organization. This will enable them to create marketing programs that attract customers and make them more likely to purchase from the organization.Marketing managers should also have a clear understanding of the customer journey once they have made the purchase. This will enable them to provide continued value to customers and help them to maximize the return on their investment.

Create a marketing plan

Marketing plans are essential to the success of any marketing campaign. They are used to determine the goals of the campaign and the strategies that will be used to achieve them. Marketing plans can be as simple or complex as the organization requires.The marketing plan should be updated on a regular basis to ensure that it remains relevant and is in line with the organization’s strategic plans. Marketing plans allow companies to align their marketing efforts with broader business goals and priorities, resulting in more effective marketing programs with a higher return on investment.Marketing managers should keep their marketing plans brief, but they should also include all the necessary details. The plan should include a clear explanation of why the campaign is being undertaken, what is to be achieved and how success will be measured.

Develop marketing communications

Marketing communications are the various ways in which a company markets its products or services. They should be designed to inform the target audience of the benefits that these products and services can provide. They should also be effective in attracting customers and engaging them with the organization.Marketing managers should have a clear understanding of the various media that are used to market products. They should use these mediums in a well-thought-out manner to ensure that they reach the target audience.Marketing managers should also be able to understand the different types of marketing communications, such as:- Branded communications: these are communications that are branded with your company’s name and logo.- Integrated communications: these are communications that are designed to promote more than one product or service at the same time.- Advertising: these are one-way communications that are designed to inform the public about a product or service.- Tradeshows: these are one-way communications that are delivered at a trade show.- Direct marketing: these are two-way communications that are sent directly to customers.- Sales promotion: these are one-way communications that are promoted as part of a broader marketing campaign.

Build relationships with key customer segments

Marketing managers should have a clear understanding of the target customers for their organization. They should have a clear idea of what these customers want and how they can best be reached. Marketing managers should have a clear understanding of the needs of these customers and the ways in which the organization can meet these needs.Marketing managers should also have a clear understanding of what factors drive their customers to purchase from them. These factors may be price, product quality, product availability or geographic proximity.Marketing managers should have a close relationship with sales and customer service representatives. This will enable them to have regular updates on the performance of the organization’s products and services.


Marketing managers are responsible for creating, implementing and evaluating marketing strategies for the firm. They are responsible for developing and implementing communications and marketing programs that enable the organization to grow its market share, create and keep loyal customers and attract new ones.Marketing managers must be able to think strategically and have a clear grasp of organizational strategy. They should also be able to communicate effectively with both internal and external audiences. They should also be able to create marketing plans that are well-timed and appropriate for their target audiences.